In current economic conditions spending a quality vacation with your family seems almost impossible. Regardless, all parents want to take their young out and about so let’s see which are places you can afford to go when planning fun for your family.

West Palm Beach Florida

West Palm Beach Florida

Here a family can find affordable hotels, discount stores, best beaches and fun activities kids can enjoy. The truth is that this location has something for everybody even if on a tight budget.



This is a wonderful place to take the kids during summertime. Hiking trails, beautiful scenery, captivating wildlife and spectacular chances to learn a lot about nature makes the destination perfect for families.



In case your kids are fond of baseball, why not take them to see the Cooperstown Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. You will create incredible memories.

The South Foodie Tour

The South Foodie Tour

Plan a trip all through the South with the purpose to introduce your young to the beauty of Southern cuisine. On your way you can find amazing places with the most delicious and affordable southern food. The kids will love to find more about this specific type of cuisine.



For the “green” family on the lookout for a sustainable vacation  the Rose Test Garden in Portland is surely something to see.

Michigan – Upper Peninsula

This is the place for the families looking for a budget summer vacation filled with relaxing moments. The rustic air and delicious pastry treats but also hiking along Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore will help you have the best of fun.

Massachusetts and Vermont

Massachusetts and Vermont

Those keen on ecotourismcan try white water rafting in Massachusetts but also trail walking and biking in Vermont. The possibilities in these two states are endless for the families on a budget.

Oahu- Hawaii

Oahu- Hawaii

As surprising as it may seem Hawaii can be enjoyed on a budget. You just have to book the flights in advance and enjoy the beauty of the island with turquoise waters.

Lake Tahoe

Lake Tahoe

Leaving aside the perfection of the view and the amazing forest air that your kids can enjoy, Lake Tahoe is simply ideal for family fun. Hiking and swimming but also enjoying local cuisine and weekend fun canmake the trip a memorable one.

Monument Valley

Monument Valley

For those living in Southwest this is the best family destination. Your kids will surely remember the sand stone natural formations and have a great time in the amazing parks from the Utah – Arizona border.


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