This month, millions of people — including some of the nation’s 50 million allergy-sufferers — will hit the road for their holiday vacations.

As if traveling during the busy season isn’t stressful enough, allergy-sufferers may experience added tension from having to manage their conditions on the go and when staying in unfamiliar settings.

Aggravated allergy symptoms can make any vacation very unpleasant.

Therefore, it’s important to prepare ahead of time to help cut your risk of an allergy attack. Here are 7 tips for preparation and relief.

Study up on the air quality forecasts before you depart. provides pollen count, allergen, and air quality forecast maps that are updated daily.

Check the statistics for your destination before you leave and pack the appropriate types of allergy relief. When possible, try to schedule your trip at times when the air quality in your destination is highest.

When traveling by car, open the windows and run the air conditioner about 10 minutes before you get inside. This will help get rid of any dust mites or mold spores that have taken up residence inside the air conditioning system.

When driving, keep the windows closed to lock out pollen and other allergens and set the car’s air conditioner to re-circulate air internally instead of pulling air in from the outside.



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