Getting bogged down by a number of heavy suitcases may be the only way some people can travel, but it doesn’t have to be the way you do.

Traveling light can be an excellent idea; after all you are going someplace other than home; you need not carry half of it with you! If you are the sort who comes back from a trip with half their clothes unworn, then you need to take a look at these tips to travel light:

Clothes: Firstly lay out all that you think you are going to pack and then get rid of half of it. You are bound to go shopping when on holiday, and that will add to the clothes you carry. Also you actually use fewer of your clothes than you think you need.

When you pack you should roll rather than stack; this takes up less space.

If you are going somewhere to a cold place, try to avoid carrying bulky sweaters, coats and overcoats. Rather use layering to keep warm; this is less bulky to carry and offers more versatile options in terms of dressing.

Carry dark and neutral colors. This helps to minimize laundry, since darker hues help to hide dirt and stains much better than whites and lighter colors.

Also you don’t need different shoes for each outfit; bring just a couple of pairs in neutral colors that will go with everything. One pair for the evening and one for comfortable walking (in case sightseeing is on foot) should be enough.

Toiletries and other items: You don’t need to take along towels in most cases. Hotels will provide them; if you are visiting someone, they will have extras.

Carry small packs of each toiletry; if possible carry sachets. Also don’t carry something because you think it may come in handy. Also unless you are going somewhere really remote and inaccessible, the local pharmacy will be able to replace anything you run out of.

Books: Books can be bulky and heavy. If you have one, carry a digital reader instead (Amazon Kindle or the like). If it is guide books you want to carry, just photocopy the pages you need rather than carrying the entire book.

Carry a couple of foldable totes: Many of us travel heavier when we get back from a holiday, weighed down as we may be with mementos and other shopping. Rather than carry a larger suitcase, just fold a couple of light totes into your luggage, it will come in handy on the way back.

Photo Credit: mismisimos


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