Lately to travel as a volunteer for many international causes is turning to be a great challenge for anyone who likes to have unusual trips.

spring break campaignThere are several offerings for innovative spring break campaigns on volunteering basis. One of the ideas is using the opportunity, which student organizations are offering. Student United Way sends volunteers in areas needing help such as Mississippi, Gulf Coast recovering after Hurricane Katrina.

America’s Hiking Society offers volunteer vacations in a national park or forest in order to maintain these public places clean. If you want to spend the spring break in New Orleans, you can do it by helping the victims of the Hurricane Katrina and rebuilding homes and communities. This is an offer by St. Bernard project with the noble idea to join together volunteers from every point in America.

If you are fascinated by researching and archaeology, you can go on exotic getaway at Cayo Costa Island State Park in Florida. The Sierra Club is bringing together volunteers to participate in wildlife researches.


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