Travelling to exotic places is one of the life goals for many of us. But it comes with a price tag. With careful planning and small investments you realize this dream and relish lovely memories for a lifetime. Building an investment portfolio is an important step in this direction.

Make sure you add fixed rate bonds to your portfolio. This is a great way to get tax-free returns that build up a handsome amount to fulfill your travel dreams. If this is your plan but do not have a list yet, then here are 5 destinations that are worth saving up for:

1. Cape Town, South Africa

Cape Town is the southernmost tip of Africa. Apart from fabulous views of the mountains and the sea it is famous for the Table Mountain, spectacular vineyards and diamonds. Surrounding Cape Town are many islands that are worth a visit for their varied landscapes and outdoor activities.

2. Paris, France

Called the city of romance, Paris is one of the star attractions of Europe. It is a city to be experienced over a period of time. So when to plan to visit Paris, make it a slow paced long vacation. Apart from the world famous Eiffel Tower and the Louvre, there are a number of museums and traditional fares to enjoy.

3. Sydney, Australia

Sydney is the culture capital of Australia. It gives endless variety to its visitors. From historic sites to entertainment and food, the entire spectrum of activities is open for you to enjoy. Must- visit places include the Sydney Opera House, the Blue Mountains and the Manly Beach.

4. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

This vibrant city has two sides to it – the busy city below and the serene mountain above. You can enjoy both sides of Rio as and when you wish. Just take the cable car ride to the summit of the Sugar Loaf Mountain to view the break taking scenery and put the cares of your life away for a while.

5. Beijing, China

Beijing is Asia’s hottest tourist destination. You have plenty to do when in Beijing. The list of historic monuments in this oriental city is endless. But for the first timers, a visit to the Great Wall, Forbidden City and Tiananmen Square are a must. Do not miss the local Chinese cuisine. It is a part of the experience.

Now that you have the list ready, start saving up for your visit to these places right away and make your dream come true.


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