Argentina is a land of diverse regions. It would be impossible to see the entire country in just one visit so you should narrow your search to just one or two areas to make the most of your trip.

You might want to travel into the deepest regions of the rain forest to take pictures of the plants and animals.

Perhaps you would like to soak up a little culture and see an opera in the capitol of Argentina, Buenos Aires.

Maybe the beach is where you would like to soak up some sun and surf or for those really adventurous, take a trip to Patagonia where you can view overpowering glaciers. Whatever your interests and inclinations, you are sure to find it in Argentina.

Exploring the Capitol City of Buenos Aires

Buenos Aires is a cosmopolitan metropolis that attracts those that are looking for a cultural experience. Walk through the Plaza de Mayo in the city center to get familiar with the municipality. Here is where history and a number of historical happenings took place.

You can shop the fine boutiques, visit museums and indulge yourself in fine dining establishments. San Telmo is one of the finest areas for shopping in Buenos Aires. Stroll the cobblestone streets and visit the shops that are full of vibrant colors and exotic merchandise.

When you have had enough of shopping, don your dancing shoes and listen to the strains of the romantic tango. If it is relaxation that you seek, Teatro Colon is one of the best opera houses found in the world.

Iguazu Falls

When you are ready to leave the hustle and bustle of the city behind you, head towards the Iguazu Falls. It is said that these falls are not only wider but taller as well than the falls found at Niagara in New York and Canada.

There are a variety of tours that allow visitors to explore the picturesque scene of churning water.  Once you have had your fill of the falls, travel to the Valdez Peninsula where more than two hundred thousand visitors come each year in order to get a look at orcas and whales.

Mar del Plata is the place where you can get in the water with the seals and take a leisurely swim with these fantastic sea creatures. Mar de Plata is a resort by the sea where you can try your hand at paragliding or for those more timid arrange for ground tours. After the sun goes down, cocktails flow as the nightlife sizzles.


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