One of the biggest and most interesting public religious holidays in Cyprus and Greece is known as Green Monday or Clean Monday, which signifies and celebrates the beginning of Lent.

It’s celebrated throughout the nation with parties, music, dancing, outdoor games and fun, and picnics. The day is celebrated in many different ways and you’ll see many people dressed up in traditional costumes to mark the occasion.

Families and friends get together to eat a special vegetarian outdoors meal that consists of vegetables, olives, and bread as it marks the period of fasting. Many people also eat shellfish as well as other types of fasting foods.

You’ll also find many kite-flying competitions and other games held throughout the land as it’s a widespread custom on Green Monday

Eggs, meat, and dairy products are traditionally taboo for Christians during Lent, and that’s why most celebrations feature an abundance of different types of shellfish, such as molluscs and fish roe. It’s a great day to enjoy the wonderful Greek and Cypriot countryside and to celebrate with a wonderful feat at the same time.

The dates of the Green Monday festival changes each year as it’s held about seven weeks before Easter. In 2011, the celebrations will be held on March 7th.


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