Travelling alone is not as challenging as travelling with kids. There are so many things you will have to keep in mind before deciding a number of essential things such as the destination, hotel, budget, likes or dislikes of kids and whatnot. What more, you will have to ensure that the destination does not make kids uncomfortable otherwise it becomes a herculean task to calm them down. Thus, in this article, we have shortlisted a handful of really good destinations to travel with kids, and each one of them guarantees an extraordinary experience of its own.


Here are four top destinations to visit with your kids:

1. Galapagos Islands

A trip to Galapagos Islands is not cheap and requires a number of approvals put in place to safeguard the delicate ecology of the islands, but once you are through, your journey will only become better and better.

Galapagos Islands is the place where Charles Darwin came up with his ground-breaking theory of evolution inspired by its diverse ecosystems which trigger adaptation among inhabiting animals. Here, animals and humans co-exist in a peaceful and friendly manner, and your kids will surely have an exhilarating time with dolphins and turtles. What more could you ask for?k

2. Trim, Ireland

Trim Castle is a place where your kids will love to spend their time. They get to chill at a camp which provides them with a number of fun activities to do such as picking up stone axes and pretending to be medieval Irish warriors who used to walk in chain mail armour. There are other activities available to both adults and kids such as an excavation crash course assisted by geologists and archaeologists who would offer informative insights on a number of related issues.

The castle is known for its amazing architecture, blessed with an intriguing history—something which will inevitably interest kids.

3. Costa Rica

If you go through any list of this sort, you would surely come across Costa Rica as one of the most preferred destinations to take you kidsto.

Costa Rica is the place for families, especially kids. It has everything you want—super-friendly animals, comfortable lodgings, lovely beaches, and whatnot. There are a number of fun options available such as zip lining, kayaking, hiking, bird-watching. One of the most famous activities is rafting on the Pacuareriver, along whose banks you can find a number of accommodation facilities to stay and chill.

4. Oahu, Hawaii

Hawaii is and will always be an eye-candy, and there are many reasons attributable to it—one of them being Oahu. It is a place where you can never miss out on the aloha spirit which spreads through the multi-layered and multi-cultural environment that characterises it. Kids can enjoy several cultural festivals organized throughout the year. It is a hotspot of various ethnicities, languages and beliefs, and, thus, you will never feel out of place because you will always find people with whom you can easily relate.


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