If you’re looking to inject a little culture into the lives of your children or just want them to not dread visiting a museum with you, then you’re going to need to do a little tweaking in terms of your plans and try to find kid-friendly museums that will make this infusion of culture seem fun as opposed to dull and a total drag as many kids perceive a museum to be.
While not every museum is going to be one that can offer your kids a good time, there are a few worth noting and here we’ve compiled a list of some of the best kid-friendly museums around to make your life a little easier.
The first one worth mentioning has got to be the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum in Washington. While this not may be the artsy and über cultural destination you were hoping for, it is definitely a place that will make learning about history a whole lot of fun not only for your children but for you adults as well!
The perks; it’s free, full of historic planes, jets and spacecraft and allows you—I mean, your kids—the chance to experience a simulated flight in a cockpit! In keeping with the aerospace theme, you may also want to consider a trip to the JFK Space Center at Disney World.
Sure, the kids will be distracted by all of the other amazing and super fun things to do at Disney World, but the Space Center is a way for the whole family to enjoy learning about a big part of American history! And keeping them entertained here will be a no-brainer since all kids at one point or another dream about being an astronaut and love to imagine what life would be like in space.
Here they can not only continue to dream but also get to see and experience things that will keep them dreaming big and aiming high for years to come.
In terms of kid-friendly museums, there is nothing like the Children’s Museum of Indiana since this museum is one of the few that is actually made for children! It also has it all which means that you’ll be able to expose them to everything from history to art and culture all in one place and presented in a way that is definitely kid-friendly.
Did I mention that they also throw dinosaurs into the mix? Definitely a winning combination that is bound to entertain as much as it will educate!
It really is possible to introduce your children to more than just television and videogames without having them gripe and groan about it the entire time. So get out there and open up a world of culture and wonderment to your kids today!