A trip down to South America just wouldn’t be complete if it doesn’t include Santiago, the Capital of Chile. This jewel of a city below the equator surprises many visitors as there’s so much to see and do within its boundaries of snow-capped mountains. This includes numerous historical buildings, churches, and museums.

Santiago is very easy to get around as it has a world-class transportation system consisting of buses, trains, and a very clean and efficient underground rail structure.

There is also a cable car system in operation that allows visitors to view the sprawling city and its surroundings from high above. The streets are lively day and night with shoppers, workers, and tourists.

The city was founded by the Spanish in the 1500s and some of the architecture retains a Spanish flavor to it. There are hundreds of fine restaurants to choose from in with fresh seafood from the Pacific Ocean being a specialty.

Santiago is very rich in culture and history and offers many popular attractions such as the Plaza de Armas, Palacio de le Moneda, Fine Arts Museum, the University of Chile, Metropolitan Cathedral, and Contemporary Art Museum.

It is also home to two symphony orchestras, various theaters and several professional soccer teams. There are many bicycle trails, parks, and ski resorts in and around Santiago along with several wineries.

Santiago is easily one of the cleanest and most adventurous cosmopolitan cities in the world.

Photo Credit: ecatoncheires


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