No less than one million visitors are expected to participate at this year’s Winter Carnival in Quebec.
For fourteen days, from mid January to early February, an array of night parades, snow sports and winter goodies will be displayed and charm the guests that will endure the cold and stay in line for the whole show.
If the winter party is making you tired or bored, you can always go for visiting the historic places in Quebec (there are quite a few!) or the Ice Hotel and feel you are traveling through Europe for a little while.
For the Catholic believers, the Carnival marks the start of the solemn Lent period of the year, which starts February 15.
Quebec’s Winter Carnival has recently been declared the world’s largest winter celebration and it brings together fans from all over the Globe. Most of the participants at the huge gathering are wearing the traditional sash. This year’s festivities will include a display of huge helium balloon characters.
The price for attending the festival is only 12 Canadian Dollars and you can also go for a family ticket, which will make all the fun even cheaper. The town of Quebec was founded more than 410 years ago and it is known for its European charm.