Solo travel is one of the fastest growing travel trends in the world right now. Most of the people embracing travel as a hobby are into solo travel. As more travel companies put together travel packages and accommodation options suitable for solo travelers, an increasing number of the traveling public are choosing to hit the road alone.

Traveling is always fun. Traveling solo can be even more awesome. With the freedom that comes with being in control of pretty much every aspect of your trip, the opportunities available to you to maximize the fun you have during your trip are practically endless.

If you’ve been putting off traveling because you fear traveling alone, now is the time to banish your fears and embrace solo travel. Here are some of the reasons why solo travel is actually a great idea:

Why Solo Travel Is Actually a Good Idea

The Ultimate Me-Time

Traveling alone affords you all the time in the world to spend time with yourself. You should be your greatest fan. The present connected world where people and devices are constantly calling for your attention at every moment of the day does not leave us with enough space to spend time with our own thoughts.

Being able to disconnect and only care about yourself is always a treat. To do it in a relaxed environment such as an all-inclusive resort where professionals take care of your every need is magical.

Build Self-Reliance

When you travel alone, you have to rely on yourself to plan and execute every element of your trip. The exercise is a great way to learn self-reliance.

Self-reliance is an excellent quality to develop. Most of the personal projects you’ll undertake that will move the needle in your life will be done with little to no help. The lessons you learn during your travels like how to manage complicated situations when everything is falling apart will help you a great deal during such moments.

Freedom to Do What You Want

When traveling alone, you have all the freedom to plan out your itinerary however you please. Traveling as a group can sometimes be tricky as you have to accommodate everyone’s demands into the group’s itinerary.

As a solo traveler, you can visit places and do things you’d otherwise not do were you traveling as part of a group.

Further, since your actions don’t affect anyone else, you can change your itinerary at a moment’s notice and not have to worry about what another person thinks. This level of flexibility is something you definitely won’t get when you have travel partners with their own interests.


One of the reasons people go on vacations is to rest and rejuvenate. If your paid vacation leave can’t coincide with those of the people you would normally travel with, you shouldn’t skip the chance.

You are your own person and you are responsible for your own well being. You can follow through with the vacation and return to work a highly rejuvenated individual willing and able to do more amazing things.

More Accommodation Options

When traveling as part of a group, you will usually want to stay at a location that can accommodate a lot of people and allow you to have fun with your group.

There aren’t many such accommodation options except for normal hotels and resorts. As a solo traveler, you can take advantage of pretty much any accommodation option out there from hostels to adults only all-inclusive resorts.

Make New Friends

As a solo traveler, you are free to mingle with other travelers and not have to worry about leaving your travel buddies behind. It is also easy for people to invite you to join their group if you are not part of another group yourself.

You want to stay somewhere with a lot of people your own age. Try and stay away from family-friendly resorts, as these are for families and young children.

Being able to make new friends on the road is one of the greatest joys of travel. You will afford yourself more opportunities to meet new people when you travel alone to afford yourself the freedom to interact freely with other travelers.

Break out of the Comfort Zone

Fear of traveling alone is one of the most common excuses people give for not traveling more. They argue that they would travel more if they had readily available travel partners. This, obviously, is just an excuse.

By traveling solo, you venture out to do something you were previously fearful of trying to do. When you break out of your comfort zone, you become more confident and become emboldened to take on more challenges.

Build Memories

When you look back at your life, the things you will be most fond of will be the interesting experiences you had over the course of your life. For this reason, you should seek out great experiences and never deny yourself an opportunity to experience something as magical as travel.

Solo travel gives you the tools and mindsets you need to take full control of your life and build a life full of amazing memories.


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