slovakiaLocated in central Europe, Slovakia has some great historic sites and is a very picturesque region of the world.

If for your vacation you are looking for something different then this could just be the place for you.

Partizanske is known for its monuments which are many centuries old. The Simonovany Castle, also referred to by locals as the water castle is situated on an island surrounded by water.

Nearby as part of a garden and museum is the Brodzany castle linked to Alexander Sergejevic Puskin who was an outstanding writer that lived locally.

In Bojnice is the national zoo which is one of the most modern in the whole of Central Europe. It is a great place to visit for all ages with over one hundred different bird species and more than eighty different fish.

The zoo aims to display all their animals in a natural environment, which means it is a perfect way to watch the nearly fifty reptiles and seventy five mammals that live here.

For those more interesting in riding, cycling or walking then Javoniky, would be a fine choice. This mountainous region is spectacular, and has several spas providing beauty enhancing techniques amongst the wonderful mountain air and using the natural water that is found here.

The highest point is High Tatras which over twenty five hundred meters high. It is very rugged but the views are splendid. The resort of Banská Bystrica is nestled between two mountains and is popular with visitors. It has many interesting museums and other places to visit.


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