It is said that a good company makes the way seem shorter. Well, it happens more when you are traveling with your lover. You minds immerse in romantic thoughts, and you have no clue when has time passed away. Traveling with your lover is enjoyment, exciting, and adventurous as well.

You will feel different of reeling in the trip than you felt while traveling with your family or friends. So before start planning a romantic getaway, there are certain places which you must avoid visiting with your lover. Such places are dangerous for traveling and being completely alone with your partner it is risky as well.

6 Places to Avoid Travelling with Your Lover

1. Georgia

Situated at the intersection of Asia and Europe, you must certainly avoid traveling to Georgia. Off late there has been rising atrocities in terms of corruption and brutality especially in the states of Abkhazia and South Ossetia. There have been several instances of cross-firing and other incidents which have made Georgia an unsafe place for traveling.

2. Mexico

If you don’t want to fall prey to swine flu, then it is best to avoid traveling in Mexico. Although the place is known for its beauty and delicious dishes, medical practitioners warn people not to visit here. Besides, there is drug cartel brutality taking place and therefore travel warnings and cautions have been raised.

3. Algeria

Traveling to Algeria for a romantic vacation is a strict NO as the place is completely unsafe. There have been instances of terrorist activities, kidnapping, assassination, bombings, false roadblocks, and ambushes. So you will never wish for such a disastrous holiday. Therefore it is best to be avoided.

4. Egypt

The beautiful land of ancient pyramids and civilization, Egypt is also in the unsafe zone for traveling. There have been numerous political turmoils and sightseeing especially in Giza is a distant future.

5.  Honduras

The beautiful country Honduras has reported on numerous murderous activities over the past few years. San Pedro Sula, one of its cities has reported a murder rate of 169 people every year. Therefore traveling to this Latin American country is surely dangerous, although it has beautiful archaeological ruins and landscape that attract tourists.

6. Mali

Situated in West Africa, Mali also falls in the list of the places which are best to be avoided for travelling. This is mainly because of the frequent terrorist attacks that have been taking place, and the government is not capable enough to control these attacks. As such, the seeds of terrorism have been flourishing over the years.

Travelling is relaxation. We travel not to escape life but relive our life with less stress and tension.  So, while travelling with the love of your life trying to choose places which have a serene environment, fulfilled people, and lots of activities to do. Because these memories are the ones, you will cherish lifelong.



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