Are you a travel junkie? And,are you looking for an underrated beach for your next vacation? Not all beaches are same, and they are unique in their own way, we all know this, right? Most beaches are crowded and noisy. Even if you are a swimmer or a sunbather, we all are always in search of peace. A beach with the right amount of people around and perfect scenery is all that most of us look for. If you are in search of some underrated beaches, keep reading!



Once unknown, Bali is now a very popular travel destination for people looking for a nice scenic beauty and peace choose to go this place. This amazing beach remained hidden until the late 1970s and now is amongst one of the favorite destinations for surfers. The sky here is crystal clear and the beaches are covered with white sand.


Horseshoe Bay in Bermuda

Though this particular beach is very popular on the island and people usually travel to this place for its amazing view, you will still enjoy a vacation here. The water here is shallow thus your kids can play here without any fear. The color of the sand here is not white but is pink. If you want to go for a family vacation including your kids, this one is perfect.

Horseshoe Bay in Bermuda

Grace Bay

The water here is something different from that of other beaches around the world, and we can guarantee you that. The water here is light aqua in color which is one of a kind and people must give this beach a try. With white sand spread all across the beach, the view looks amazing.

There are various restaurants and hotels situated very near the beach which is no doubt a plus point. You can even rent small sailboats here and view the sea from a different angle.

Grace Bay

Piha Beach

Situated in New Zealand, Piha is another underrated beach. Auckland, as we know, is known for its beautiful beaches and Piha is one amongst them. If you are into surfing, you would really love this beach. People all around the world come here for surfing.

This beach is not exactly situated in Auckland but is around 40km away from the city. Thus, you will have to travel the distance to reach this place. Though this area is away from the main city and is mostly a kind of village area, you will find amazing hotels and restaurants that serve amazing quality food.

Piha Beach

Maya Bay

If any of your friends or family have visited Thailand, it is obvious that they have visited Phi Phi Island. Visiting Maya Bay once in your life will surely be memorable. The sand and beach here are amazing.

Though the beach is not very quiet but is not that overcrowded as well. This is one of the world’s best tropical beaches and is also used as a backdrop in the movie, ‘The Beach’. This beach is also very pocket-friendly and everything around the area is dirt cheap.

Most Underrated Beaches Worldwide

So, what are you waiting for? Book ticket, pack your travel bag and hop on an aero plane and visit some of the world’s most underrated beaches. Vacation in any of these above-mentioned beaches will give you pure pleasure and wonderful memories.


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