1. The Ritz London

Ritz Hotel in London has always been the super luxury of all the hotels in the Europe, so in case you want a lavish atmosphere, this is the right place to stay in.

2. Four Seasons George V Paris

Paintings of world known artists, exclusive services, the best wine in the world and of course a spa with perhaps the best world procedures – all this can be found only in Four Seasons in Paris.

3. Fairmont Mara Safari Club – Kenya

Kenya is an amazing destination, but for those of you that want to see a different part of this country, this hotel brings you the best of Kenya in one place. The Fairmont hotel services combined with traditional native interior and super luxury – this all waits you in this five-star hotel.

4. Oberoi Amarvilas Agra –India

This is surely not a hotel for everyone, considering it is created to impress millionaires and super stars, but what really matters is the exclusive style of this hotel. It is made in the typical maharaja tradition and combines modern services, traditional elements and luxury on a super high level.

5. The Peninsula Bangkok

This 37-storey hotel is equipped with 370 rooms; all of them designed by the best architects in the world and represent the contemporary Asian style. The view from the top of the hotel is one time in life opportunity, while the services can satisfy anyone, even the richest people on earth.

6. Jade Mountain – St. Lucia

St. Lucia doesn’t need a reason to be visited, but the Jade Mountain resort is surely one of them. This is one of the hotels with perfect ambient, rich menu, super spa treatments and moreover – unconventional design.

7. Olissippo Iapa Palace – Lisbon

Created to be a typical palace, this Lisbon  beauty includes anything you can even think about- spa, beaches, attractions and most of all, complete relaxation, surrounded by nature, which is a must see in Lisbon.

8. Shangri La Hotel Singapore

Shangri La is a hotel that is already a winner of different hotel awards, but in the recent years this is the hotel that offers first class luxury in Singapore. The hotel is designed in different style and its boutique furniture, combined with stunning views and super services turn it into one of the best hotels for vacation on the world map.

9. Trump International Tower – Chicago

The Trump hotel line is surely a synonymous for luxury and an amazing stay, but the Chicago Trump International Hotel is more than this. It is opened only two years ago, but it is already one of the best hotels in the world with its minimalistic design, stellar services and all kinds of attractions.

10. Four Seasons Resort – Thailand

Just as any hotel from the Four Season line, this one is worth to be visited and it differs from the others in this line, because the resort is offering a stunning part of Thailand, including some local traditions, lifestyle and moreover, perfect resting spot.


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