Eating well while traveling is something everybody likes but getting reservations at famous restaurants where you can enjoy the work of famous chefs might not be exactly easy. For the connoisseurs, an amazing culinary experience can be lived in a few special places where talented youthstudies to become the future chefs of tomorrow.

The famous culinary schools of the world have their own restaurant where the weary traveler can make a reservation to experience the best of what talented young cooks have to offer.

International Culinary Center – New York

International Culinary Center – New York

Jacques Pepin, Emily Luchetti andJose Andres are teaching here and you can choose to experience both the teachers’ and the students’ cooking.  The restaurant is called L’Ecole and you can be sure that eating there will be a delight.

Coriander Leaf School – Singapore

For a truly lovely experience of Asian food make sure you dine at the Coriander Leaf Bistro. Here the students learn to prepare menus from 15 different Asian cuisines, to master cutting soba noodles, working with a tandoori oven and a myriad of spices.

William Angliss Institute – Australia

The Angliss restaurant offers culinary training but also serving training for a large number of students. Here you can experience the fine cooking of future Aussie chefs and in special “great chefs” nights you can also try the masterpiece of the most famous culinary masters from Australia.

Culinary Institute of America – Canada

The Wine Spectator Magazine sponsors and supports this sustainable cooking school where you will have the chance to try food cooked with ingredients from the school’s own garden. Thomas Keller is the one supervising the wonderful tasty delights coming out of the kitchen.

Institute Paul Bocuse – France

For those fond of classic French cooking this is the place to try a three course meal cooked in the good old tradition of the country. You can choose from “saveurs” or “chateaux” menus for truly amazing delights.

Le Cordon Bleu – Canada

Le Cordon Bleu - Canada

With campuses spread over 5 continents this is the most welcoming cooking school out there. It creates well renowned chefs since 1895 and nowadays the esteemed chef Yannik Anton is in charge of the large number of students learning the culinary arts here. The Bistro at Signatures is placed in historic scenery, inside a mansion and here you can taste the masterpieces of high class students.

PrueLeith Chef Academy – South Africa

In the restaurant of this school you can experience the work of students which come here to learn classic French cuisine, traditional Ethiopian dishes and molecular cooking. Also you should know that these students are prepared to attend the World Food Olympics.


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