If you are thinking of taking a vacation which is probably much needed you sure would not want to return home only to be completely sour with your credit card bills. Sure you would want to splurge on yourself and your family, but overspending should be avoided at all cost. That way you would be able to look back to your vacation in time with nothing but fondness. Here are 5 ways you can prevent yourself from overspending while you are on a vacation.

stop overspending on vacationsMake a Budget

Make a thorough budget of your vacation before leaving. Do not forget to include every single detail no matter how small it is even food and other activities.

Avoid Pricey Hotels

Accommodation is one major reason why our travel budgets look meager. Try all the available options to avoid an expensive hotel accommodation. Instead look for B&Bs, house swapping, rental apartments or even campervans.

Buy your own food

If you are planning to eat out in the restaurants your every single meal, then scrap the idea there. This will deeply pinch your pocket and you would not want that. Try and buy your own snacks or ingredients to cook something up especially if you are staying in an apartment. You can also pack your own picnic basket if you are out on a day for sightseeing. Eat out only once a day or every two days.

Leave Unnecessary Financial Items at Home

Do not carry extra cash or cards or checkbooks. Before leaving go through your wallet thoroughly and remove all the extra financial items apart from your forms of payment and your one backup. Leave the extra items at home. This way you will be aware that you would only be able to spend from your vacation budget.

Skip the Souvenirs

Try and avoid buying souvenirs like T-shirts and baseball caps. This way you will save money and have less junk to carry back. If you want a souvenir at all for memories consider fridge magnets or Christmas tree decoration or buy something really meaningful.

With these tips in hand you can now plan your vacation with an ease and come back with only lovely experience and still relax. You bills would not be able to spiral out of limit and you would be able to look back at your vacation with nothing but a smile on your face.


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