The majority of the people get scared by the thought of traveling solo, while others see it as an opportunity of gaining new experiences and meeting new people. Regardless of your reasons of traveling alone, there are some things you should keep in mind to make sure that everything will go smoothly.

Summer 2013 Tips

Living at Home

There is nothing wrong with staying in touch with friends and family at home, but you shouldn’t spend your vacation chatting with people you know back home. If others see that you are “busy”, they are less likely to approach you and this way you can miss out on a lot.

Generic Conversation Starters

In order to make sure that getting to know other people will go smoothly, you should think about some generic conversation starters. For instance you can always use “Where are you from?” Another thing you could try is telling someone that you have just arrived and ask for some tips on what to do or where to go.


Although it is nice to stay at a hotel room, hostels offer a lot more opportunities of meeting new people. Some travelers choose the largest hostel room they can find. Usually the people staying in hostels aren’t too busy and for sure they can make some time for you.

Money and Cards

One of the best tips is to divide your money or your cards. You should keep some cash and a card in your wallet. Place some cash and another card in a pocket of your backpack and the rest of the money or other cards should be stored in a hidden pocket, where nobody would look.


If you are thinking about traveling alone, the most important aspect to consider is safety. Calculate in advance how much money you will need. Also check whether your accommodation is open late, so that you won’t have to spend the night somewhere else.

Little Lies

It’s not nice to tell lies, but the biggest lie you will have to tell is that you’re not a tourist. In fact, you should do your best to look like you know your way around or that you know local people. For instance, if you have to ask for directions from strangers, you should add that you have to meet a friend there.


Usually trust is an issue for solo travelers. Even though it might sound strange, you should trust everybody and nobody.


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