One of the best parts of traveling is experiencing new cultures. Another aspect of that are the types of food that are available.

Some travelers are more than willing to try new and exotic tastes and ingredients, but others like to stick to tried and true, familiar American dishes.

Those people are missing out on a great experience. Trying old favorites in fresh ways can be one of the best experiences of your trip.


Coffee is a staple of the American morning. It is only recently that flavored coffees are hitting mainstream America.

In the Caribbean, it is not unusual to drink coffee flavored with vanilla, mocha, cinnamon or coconut. When traveling to Italy, try their authentic espresso and cappuccino as the American counterpart cannot compete with the real thing.

The Greeks favor heavy coffee or Kafes Varys Glykos. It is made with water, coffee and sugar and it is heated in a “briki.” It is a strong and frothy after dinner beverage that will tantalize the taste buds.

South America is the Mecca of coffee as much of coffee that is consumed in America comes from the nations of South Africa.


The French make a delicious variation of our familiar eggs and toast or grilled cheese. They serve a grilled French cheese and ham sandwich and serve it with an egg on top.

The Caribs have a favorite dish called Huevos Habaneros. It is made with tomatos, eggs, green pepper and garlic.

It brings to mind a western omelet without the ham. The eggs are baked on top of the tomato mixture until the yolks are soft and the whites have set. Citizens of Great Britain enjoy “coddled eggs.” It is made by boiling water over an egg with the water and egg standing for about 10 minutes.


Though Sushi is not native to America, the citizens of the U.S. have adopted this Japanese dish as their own. If you want a raw fish counterpart, try cerviche. Some countries serve it raw while others serve it lightly sautéed in lime juice. It typically consists of a variety of shellfish, squid and octopus.


Flapjacks are an American favorite but in St. Petersburg, Russia, blinis are a staple. Blinis are buckwheat cakes that are usually small and they can be served with caviar and sour cream. Try this unusual combination if you dare.

Don’t be afraid to try new fare when you are traveling. You never know when you will discover a new favorite.


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