Moving to a new country is exciting and frightening at the same time.

You are eager to discover new places, make new friends and begin everything anew. Yet you are also anxious about adjusting in the new environment and adapting to the place.

But if you are moving to Germany, then Glückwunsch! (Congrats)

You couldn’t have picked a better country.

Amidst bread and sausages and football games, a fun-filled life of festivals and carnivals held in the city’s celebrated architecture awaits you.

However, to have a smooth relocation and enjoy your visit to the country from day one, there are a few things you need to know beforehand.

Travel tips

Read on to find the best tips before moving to Germany.

Know the language

To avoid any inconvenience, it’s best that you learn the German language before you move abroad.

Although many apps and other translator gadgets are easily available today, you should at least familiarize yourself with the basics.

Open a German bank account

If you are moving to Germany, then the second most important thing after your visa and passport is to have a German bank account.

You require a local bank account to rent an apartment, get an internet connection, etc.  However, know that you can open an account online in most German banks even from abroad.

Internet connection

Internet service providers in Germany can take 3 to 6 weeks before you finally have a connection.

So, unless you can wait that long, it’s recommended that you sign up for an internet service before moving to Germany.

Moreover, if your housing accommodations are already made and you have a permanent address, then you can also get a landline service as it usually comes along with the internet connection.

Electrical appliances

One of the most significant things to know is that German power outlets provide 220-240 volts, i.e., double the 110 volts in USA and Canada.

It goes without saying that your appliances are most likely to burn out if you operate them at a higher voltage than their power ratings.

Although many devices nowadays are operational at both ratings, most usually aren’t. In addition, in Germany, there are round wall plugs instead of flat ones, which are common in North America.

So, sell your non-compatible appliances and buy those appropriate for use in Germany. Otherwise, you can also use adapters in most cases to solve the issue.

Cash over credit cards

Call it old-school or not, but Germans tend to avoid using the digital payment methods that are so common everywhere in the world today.

In fact, it is reported that over 80% of all transactions in Germany are done in cash. So have your wallet filled with at least EUR 100 at all times.

A real ‘rest day’

When it comes to the weekend, Sunday is truly and completely a ‘rest day.’

This means you will hardly find any shops open on this day. So buy your groceries and other essentials beforehand instead of waiting to shop on Sundays.

Also, you must avoid vacuuming, lawn mowing or any other activity that can disturb your neighbors.

So, keep these tips in mind before calling a moving company to Germany and moving to Germany, and you are guaranteed to have a great time upon your arrival.


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