Travelling abroad provides wonderful opportunities to have new experiences and get to know other cultures. Setting off on a much-needed holiday can be incredibly exciting, so don’t allow your trip to be spoiled by poor planning. There are lots of practical things you can do to make sure your holiday goes smoothly and you remain safe and healthy.

Handling Money

Handling Money

You should check and understand the exchange rate before you travel. When converting cash, make sure you choose an exchange outlet that doesn’t take a large commission. The Post Office is a good way to convert currencies, but if you wait until you’re at the airport, you probably won’t end up getting a good deal.

It’s advised that you notify your bank before you go overseas and make sure that your mobile phone is equipped to function abroad. Turn off data roaming to avoid racking up a huge phone bill. When you’re abroad, avoid flashing a large roll of cash when paying bills, because this could make you a target for thieves.

Packing Smart

Packing Smart

The best way to pack is light. This will allow you to more easily lift and carry your luggage, and if you plan to buy plenty of gifts or duty free items, you’ll have more space to accommodate them. Keep valuable items to a minimum and make sure you have a safe place to store passports and travel documents in your accommodation. Take photographs or photocopies of these essential documents in case of loss of theft.

Health Issues

Health Issues

Get clued up on the vaccinations you might need before you travel. Make sure you book a doctor’s appointment so you can get these sorted well in advance. If you require specific medication, make sure you have enough to last the entirety of your trip, as there is no guarantee that you’ll be able to get it abroad.

If you get sick or injured while travelling, make sure you see a health professional right away. Always buy travel insurance from a trusted retailer, like One Sure.

Practical Tips

Practical Tips

You should always use a high factor sunscreen (at least SPF 15) while you’re in the sun, and it is advised that you seek shade during the hottest part of the day. Sun damage can be very dangerous and there’s a real risk of skin cancer if you allow yourself to be burnt. If you’re worried about the cleanliness of water, ask for bottled and don’t allow ice to be put in your drinks.

Don’t take unnecessary risks with your health and always wear the recommended protective gear when engaging in adventure activities. Drinking and driving isn’t okay just because you’re on holiday.

Never get into a vehicle if someone has been driving and intends to drive. Some countries are less stringent in terms of the laws surrounding seat belts, but always wear yours if there is one available. It could save your life in an accident.


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