Most nations around the world love their beer, and it’s probably not a surprise that Britons are quite passionate about their favorite ales. If you’re fanatical about your beer or even just like to have the occasional drink, you might want to head over to London, England between Nov. 30th and Dec. 3rd to taste some of the world’s best.

Pigs Ear Beer Festival

The Pig’s Ear Beer Festival features more than 100 traditional ales, ciders, porters, pale ales, and perries, which are sampled by eager guests at the Round Chapel in Hackney, London. The festival features some excellent brews the United Kingdom, Belgium, and Germany; and there are all types of vegetable creations to sample as well.

The festival was launched back in 1982 by CAMRA, which stands for the Campaign for Real Ale. The pig’s ear means beer in cockney-rhyming slang and everybody has a great time during the festival which runs from Tuesday to Friday.

Once the festival’s over you can carry on having a good time in jolly old England by visiting the famous pubs, sites, and attractions of London. There’s more than enough to see and do in England’s capital for days on end.


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