If you’re in the mood for a holiday, but you’ve become tired of partying and beaches, what you may need is a dose of culture. If you have got time and money, there’s simply no reason not to go and enjoy all the fantastic culture at your disposal.

Europe is a favourite for tourists the world over and hundreds of thousands come flocking to its historic streets every year. If you’re on its doorstep but haven’t done it just yet, then read on for some of the best culture-spots that you can find across Europe.


A leading city in culture, politics, science and media, Berlin should definitely be in your list of places to visit. Home to MTV Europe, Universal Music Group’s headquarters and countless galleries and performance spaces, UNESCO bestowed the title ‘City of Design’ on the place in 2005.

Any culture vultures should definitely partake in a couple of Berlin city breaks, as there’s just too much to cram into one visit.


Krakow is a surprisingly great place for a quick dose of culture. Similar to Edinburgh, it has plenty of cobblestone streets, art galleries and stunning cathedrals containing jaw-dropping murals.

It’s also relatively cheap, compared to most European cities. Instead of shacking up in a youth hostel, if you’re with enough fellow travellers, you could all probably afford to get an apartment in the city centre, giving you easy access to most of the art galleries and sights.


Valencia is also known as the city of flowers, because of its incredible array of botanical and floral gardens. Make sure you time your visit for La Tomatina, a really fun festival where everyone on the streets gets involved in a gigantic tomato fight.

The Valencia Cathedral, built in 1238, is one of the main sights of the city. You should also take time to check out the many medieval churches and the various plazas, squares and gardens.


The capital city of the Italian region of Tuscany, is probably the most cultural place you could possibly visit in Europe. Its artistic and cultural heritage is nothing short of epic, having been home to the legendary artists Michelangelo and Leonardo da Vinci.

It’s also the main centre for all national railway lines, making getting around quite easy. Apart from the Leaning Tower of Pisa, expect to enjoy the gorgeous summer weather and the company of Florence’s vibrant, friendly locals. Most of the food has evolved from peasant cuisine, so expect it to be homely and absolutely delicious.


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