For those of you, who really want to travel and explore places with historical importance, Scotland is the right place to go. Near Edinburgh, there is a small village that attracts lots of tourists as it is linked to the Knights Templar and amazingly, even to the Holy Grail. Rosslyn Chapel is located in the village of Roslyn and it surely hides a lot of mystery. The chapel was built in 15th century and it played a major role in the novel The Da Vinci Code.

The book of Dan Brown was released in 2003 and ever since, Rosslyn Chapel attracts thousands of people that want to explore the mystery of this place. Moreover, even parts of the movie Da Vinci Code took place exactly in Rosslyn Chapel. As for the history of the place, it is rich and linked to the will of King James I to built chapels with significant matter.

During the reigns of King James I and James IV, in Scotland were built 37 collegiate churches with Rosslyn is the biggest. The founder of the chapel is Sir William Sinclair, member of a noble Scottish family, originally descended from Norman knights.

According to the legend his family was somehow linked to the Knights Templar and their mystery society. Rosslyn Chapel opened its doors on September 21, 1446. Ever since this date there were numerous legends about it, but one of them wakens serious interest. Many say that the Holy Grail is buried beneath Rosslyn Chapel. Of course there are no proven facts about it, but there are sure signs of unsolved mysteries around the chapel.

Another place that is full with historical questions and mystery of the Knights Templar is Chapel in Laon in France. It is said that here lies the famous tomb of the knight’s templar that hides lots of mysteries. There is even a legend that the Holy Grail isn’t in Rosslyn Chapel but in the underground of Laon Chapel.

The village of Laon is about 80 miles away of Paris and it is well-preserved, because of the church that is built by the Knights Templar. It is built in 1180 as in its building are involved Templars very close to the King of France. The octagonal design of the church is a sign that this church is different.

There are only three octagonal churches in France, all of them built by the Templars. No one really can explain why octagonal is their mark, but many are sure this is sign that leads to something hidden beneath the chapel.


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