One of the most popular getaways on the American eastern seaboard is undoubtedly the small island of Nantucket.

When the island was originally named by the North American natives it was named Canopache.

When translated, this stands for the place of peace. The island’s very scenic and picturesque and it lies off of the coast of the state of Massachusetts.

Nantucket Island

Another reason for its popularity is the fact that it’s quite a diverse spot. Many people visit here to checkout the local art scene while others head over for an outdoor adventure or to see the historic sites.

And some like to get away for a romantic weekend or a family holiday. Whatever your reason is for visiting, you’re bound to find a variety of interesting things to see and do.

The population on Nantucket is typically about 10,000. However, once the summer months visit the calendar you might find almost five times as many people exploring the island. These are some of the most popular things to see and do while visiting.

1. The Lighthouses

Again, since Nantucket is surrounded by water, it’s only natural that it houses some pretty old lighthouses. These were built many years ago to help guide the sailors as they sailed across the ocean. The lighthouses all tell stories and some of the most popular include the Great Point, Brant Point, and Sankaty lighthouses.

2. The Beaches

Since it’s an island, you’re bound to find plenty of beaches here. In fact, there’s no such thing as a mediocre or bad beach on Nantucket. If you head to Surfside Beach, you’ll probably come across a good number of surfers who are testing out the strong waves. Another popular beach with surfers is Cisco Beach. If you’d like to get a glimpse of some passing marine life, such as seals, then you could try Madaket Beach. Other popular stretches of sand include Siasconset and Jetties Beaches.

3. The Local Breweries

If you’re interested in the local refreshment scene, you’ll find the Cisco Brewery, Triple Eight Distillery, and Nantucket Vineyard all sitting there waiting to welcome you. You can visit here to taste your favorite type of beverage and check out the local Nantucket music scene.

4. The Museums

There are several museums on Nantucket with the Whaling Museum being among the most visited. The museum tells the history of whaling on Nantucket Island and has numerous historic artifacts and exhibits on display. If you’re fascinated by shipwrecks you should check out the life-saving museum. This tells the story of many old shipwrecks and of the local residents who risked their lives to save those in distress.

5. Miscellaneous

There are plenty of other sites to visit. The Costaka Coatue Wildlife center is an ideal place for people to learn about a range of animals including deer, birds, and raptors. The children will probably love playing in the sand dunes here too. There’s also a local aquarium and golf enthusiasts will find a few excellent courses such as the Miacomet and Sankaty Head golf clubs. Those who love festivals should take note that the Daffodil Weekend takes place in late April and the following month is the Wine Festival. You can see the Film Festival every June as well as a Sculpture and Sandcastle event in August and the annual Harvest Festival every October.


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