Chuuk is one of those places that not a lot of people have ever heard of.  Well, it’s a spectacular group of islands which are situated in the Pacific Ocean. Some people may know it as Truk.

The mountainous islands are one of the four states which belong to Micronesia. Faichuuk and Namoneas are the two major groups of islands here and there are quite a few smaller ones which are also inhabited.

The first settlers are believed to have reached the islands close to 2000 years ago.

Over the years, Chuuk has belonged to the Spanish, Japanese, and German empires with the Japanese troops using it in the Second World War as a naval base.

This led the area to become rife with shipwrecks and scuba divers from around the world come here to the lagoon to explore them.

Traveling in an ocean kayak is a great way to explore the islands’ barrier reefs and natural beauty. The landscapes are filled with high hills, lush vegetation, rock formations, caves, and mountains along with the wonderful sea and sand.

It’s a great place to go hiking and exploring what’s left from the Japanese occupation. Bird watching, camping, and hill climbing are also popular and there’s plenty of interesting flora to see.

You can pick from numerous motels, apartments, resorts and hotels to stay at and the restaurants dish up fresh seafood as well as local and international cuisine. Chuuk’s history is rich and it’s a superb location to be at one with nature.


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