victoria fallThe best way to appreciate just how immense the Victoria Falls are, is from above, where you will get some unforgettable shots for your album.

It is one of the Seven Wonders of the World and is also known as Mosi-oa-Tunga which translates as the smoke that thunders.

The political problems that Zimbabwe is still facing today means that the majority of visitors arrive in Zambia.

However despite the violence and misery in this part of the world, Victoria Falls itself, is a relatively safe place to visit.

The country’s capital, Harare is over 500 kilometers away, its new government trying to work together for a solution to the country’s problems. Victoria Falls is a far cry from this unfriendly environment and has remained untouched by the internal disturbances.

One good place to stay is the Victoria Falls Hotel, opened over a century ago in colonial times. Originally it was only used by the very rich and famous including royalty but now this taste of yesterday is accessible to all. From the terrace you can see the waterfalls spray and the hotel’s large garden leads directly to it.

You only need a couple of nights to be able to experience the sheer beauty and majesty of this natural wonder of the world. Stretching nearly 2 kilometers over the river Zambezi you can casually walk via the rain forest and be faced with both the Horseshoe and Main falls. They are quite literally right in front of your nose.

A popular part of the falls, is what’s called the devil’s armchair, which is a pool at the edge where people can safely bathe because they are protected by underwater rock walls.


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