We are walking or riding on the roads of the world ever since we started to move as nomad tribes looking for auspicious hunting grounds and fields to grow food on.
The civilizations that prowled through history were built around the main roads connecting cities and empires were built all over the world because they were able to connect countries and nations linking them with roads.
Here are 10 of the most outstanding roads of the world, famous because of their unique way to bring people to one another.
10. The Pan American Highway
The longest road of the world is not necessarily the newest. Spread all over the two Americas and crossing 15 countries, this highway is spectacular by its purpose, the one facilitating the crossing of two continents.
9. Parliament Street
The narrowest street in the world lies in Britain. Built in 1300 and barely fitting one person, this tiny street is sure fun to cross for its size makes it unique in the world.
8. Col de Turini
Col de Turini is surely winding though the Alps and driving on it is surely an adventure even for the most experienced drivers. The spectacular view of the French territory and the large number of hairpins resembling the Monte Carlo F1 race track is making it extremely spectacular.
7. Road To Giza
The oldest road in the world that was serving as a paved way towards Giza, Egypt is still visible even if 4,600 years did their best to make it invisible.
6. The Puxi Viaduct Shanghai
Shanghai is perhaps one of the most crowded cities in the world. The metropolis can be proud with one of the most complicated highway knots in the world.
5. 9 de Julio Avenue
Argentina is the home of the widest road in the world. With six lanes on each side, this avenue is spectacular because of its size but also because of its uniqueness on the planet.
4. Lena Highway – Russia
Leave it to the Soviets to make a disaster and you will see one made a masterpiece. Whether you are swimming in the mud or break your neck driving on it this one is surely a road not worth taking.
3. The Guoliang Tunnel Road In China
Carved through the heart of the rock completely manually, this one took five years to be finished. Lives were lost during the construction of this spectacular road but its builders did not give up until it was finished.
2. Trollstingen –Norway
Looking almost as if it was brought down from a sci fi movie, this road is more than spectacular spread over two mountain sides and the valley between them. Of course this road is very hard to drive but the amazing view and the beautiful waterfalls around it make the trip worth it.
1. Lombard Street, USA
This looks more like a zig-zag rather than a real street. Extremely narrow hairpins going down a hill are almost amusing to drive on.