There are savings to be made when traveling so don’t let lack of funds stop you from seeing new countries and experiencing different cultures.
An open mind is the first thing you should have when embracing cheap travel packages, let the good deals guide you to your next destination.
Always be on the look out for contacts, if you have acquaintances or friends that live in a place that you would quite like to visit then offer to house sit for them.
Even an actual house ‘swop’ could be considered, many families do this very successfully. Popular resorts are always in high demand, which in turn means more expensive, there are always alternatives and often they can be fairly close by.
Do plenty of research and do not rely on a travel agent, the internet is a great source so get to know the different web sites and what they can tell you.
Cheap flights are a good place to start, work out the actual destination and date of your vacation based around deals and always avoid peak times if you can. The recession means that many hotels have to give better deals to bring in business, so use this to your advantage.
City breaks are sometimes much more cost effective than longer stays and last minute trips created by a cancellation are always worth looking out for. Never be rigid about where you actually want to go to, try alternatives that will be cheaper, and eventually your dream destination will be the next bargain vacation that you take.