Travelling by air is the quickest way to get to any place. But seated in a chair with an annoying co-passenger may make the travel more of a travail. Here is a description of 5 annoying co-passengers and tips on how to deal with them.

Annoying Co-Passengers

1.  The Recliner

This passenger sits in front of you and decides to strike just when you have been served up a delicious meal. His post meal nap proves a disastrous luncheon for you. If you are prone to such mishaps then it might be a good idea to let your co-passenger know what you are up to.

2. Tipsy Traveler

All seems well until your fellow traveler begins enjoying his drink a bit more than he ought to. The first couple of drinks make him happy but after that his happiness gets on your nerves. Our only suggestion would be to let the airhostess know if it gets unbearable.

3.  Percussionists

Especially on long flights, sleep is an essential part of the journey. Just as you are entering into a deep slumber you find yourself awakened by an orchestra of human snores. The best remedy is to carry a pair of ear plugs and shut out the noise.

4. The All Knowing

Some co-passengers can begin sermonizing on anything under the sun. They seem to know it all –been there done that! Try getting away from this person for the remaining part of the flight. No luck, then time to bring out that sweet smile and not further any conversation.

5.  The Fidgety and Restless

Some co-passengers seem to have a problem all the time. From wanting more space to getting up more than once to arrange the baggage, their problems are many. This kind is so restless that sitting next to them could turn you into a Zen master by the end of the flight. All you can do is to tell them to calm down.


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