Have you planned a wonderful trip and spent your earning on the trip? Got disappointed in the last minute as disaster cancelled journey? There will be different circumstances which direct to the cancellation of trip.

The reason may be anything, but ultimately you will be the one who loses the money you have spent for your vacation.

trip cancellation

Everyone spends money to fulfill their need and fill enjoyment in their lives. Even after spending much money, if you are not able to fulfill the enjoyments, then the money you are spending is mere waste.

So, in this case, if your trip is cancelled then you should have facility to get back your money you spent on the trip. One such offer is trip-cancellation insurance.

Trip-cancellation insurance (TCI) fulfills the requirements of the traveler. It pays the travelers back the amount they have spent on the trip and makes sure they are not losing or wasting any amount unnecessarily in trip cancellation.

There are many reasons why the travelling trip can be cancelled. The reason can vary from illness to airline or cruise cancellations.

Trip-cancellation insurance will pay you the entire amount you have spent on the trip. Cancellation of a trip is really very painful as you cannot get refund of the amounts that you have spent on the trip.

So, by taking trip cancellation insurance, you can ensure the safety of the trip. But, the insurance company will not pay for every reason you have cancelled the trip, they also have some rules and regulations and they work on their own terms and conditions. So, this article will help you to know the different reasons in cancelling the trip.

Different cases when the trip cancellation insurance pays you money:

Injury/death/illness: Coverage works for all these cases, only if the person suffering is included in the traveling list.

Some insurance also covers the illness, death or injury of your close relatives or family member who are at home.

But your insurance will not pay you any money if you have cancelled the trip for pre-existing conditions i.e. your insurance will not pay you amount if the medical condition existed before you have taken the policy.

But before taking the insurance policy, read all the terms and conditions and then sign the policy.

Misfortunes: Most TCI policies will cover against the wide range of unexpected and unavoidable misfortunes at home which force you to cancel the trip. The mishaps can vary from a house fire to flood.

How can you enjoy the trip if your house is burnt or drowned? So, the trip should be cancelled and the TCI pays you the amount you have spent on the trip.

The other misfortunes can also be your sudden visit to the court or called on jury duty.

If you have stuck in an accident on your way to the airport and could not catch the flight, then also your TCI pays you the amount.

Destination disaster: TCI pays you the money in different aspects and one such is destination disaster. If your plane you are travelling is hijacked or if the destination is hit by any natural disaster, your trip will be cancelled, so your TCI will pay you money in this case also.


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