travelIt is no secret the economy is in a pretty bad place right now. While rumor has the economy is going to get better soon that will take years to affect the average person and average consumer’s pocket book.

Travel is a way we are able to let go of stress and be creative. Travel is a way we are able to spend quality time with loved ones.

And when the economy is poor and we are watching our pennies we are much less likely to travel which is very unfortunate. Many people become depressed when they are used to traveling and cannot afford it anymore.

There are however a few ways you can travel for free. It just takes a little imagination and creativity and you will be traveling the world on someone else’s penny.

1. House sitting, dog sitting or child sitting while people are away on vacation is a perfect way to see the country or even the world. Start by letting all your friends and family know you are willing and able to do whatever it takes to get to their house if they need a house/dog or kid sitter while they are away on vacation.

After a few of these jobs you will have built a resume and have a solid pool of references so you can start advertising your services on social networking sites and even online classified sections.

There are millions of people who want someone to stay at their house when they are gone. Usually these people would take in someone to watch the dogs, get the mail and water the plants with the right references.

2. Volunteer your time and efforts and you will be able to see other parts of the country or world you never thought you would see. There are millions of organizations that desperately need volunteers for their causes whether these organizations are building homes, feeding people or rehabilitating animals.

There are also organizations that take and need hiking trail volunteers. You will surely find an organization that fits your interests and be able to travel for free.

3. Ever heard of a driveaway? A driveaway is when someone moves to a different state or region and leaves behind their car. In these cases this person needs someone to drive their car out to them.

There are many websites on the Internet with which you can find information in regards to people needing someone to do a driveaway for them.


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