A beach vacation is perhaps the best deal for all. Whether you are single, or a couple, or even a family person, beach vacations sounds like the perfect way to relax and give everyone an opportunity to have fun in their own ways.

It not just gives you your adventure time, but the kids enough space and sun to play in and the elders the calm cooling atmosphere beside the lapping waves of the ocean under the pristine blue sky. However, deciding which beach suits you or which destination should be for you can be an ordeal. Here are 5 great ways to decide which beach you can chose for your recluse this vacation.

decide on your next beach holiday destinationInterests

Make a list of things that you would like to do in your beach side vacation. Consider who is accompanying you. Ask your companions what they would like to indulge in.

If you are going with a bunch of adrenalin high people and would want a lot of adventures, then pick a beach side that gives you ample opportunity to do so. You can also pick a rocky beach side in that case. If you are accompanied by people who would love to build sand castles and surf or just plain lounge around for a tan, then simply pick a beach side that lets you do so.


Have a clear idea of how much you can afford to spend. Beach side resorts and adventures can be expensive. Research you mode of transportation and place of accommodation. If you are low on budget then it would be advisable to hit a beach with lots of opportunity and space for volleyball, lounging and building sand castles.

Avoid the more expensive types of beach that offers surfing, paragliding and other water sports. You can opt for shallow water snorkeling or just exploring the hidden crevices of a rocky beach.


Before deciding take a rain check on all the beaches that suits your requirements. Don’t look up your domestic news guides; rather look up the news guides local to your beach. Check if there are any weather warnings. If you travel in off season you might be in luck to get a lot of discounts and also perhaps the calm and quiet you are looking for.

However, if you want to be there to take in all that it has to offer, and figure out if your chosen beach destination has any local festival day or not. Check important websites that matter especially local authority websites for safety issues or other warnings.

Understand the Cuisine

Make sure you make a thorough note of the local cuisine that would be offered to you and that it is not harmful or allergic to you and your companions. Also make a note on the price of food locally, so that your budget can be further aided.

Figure out if there are any local delicacies that are well known and whether your place of accommodation serves you so. If not make a note of the best places these delicacies are available.


If you or any member of your group is under any medical prescription make sure you are very well aware of it. People might be allergic to too much sunlight, or the salty air. Make sure that in such cases all the medications are readily available if need be in and around your choice of destination. Also make sure that there are good enough drug stores to buy certain over the counter drugs that might be handy while on vacation.

Once you have considered all these factors then you would eventually be able to identify you beach destination that suits your and your companions’ requirements.


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