7. Berlin – Progressive Meets Classic

Berlin is the Mecca of the street art in Europe. In this city are working artists from all over the world and basically, most of them are doing it for free.

East Berlin is the place, where you can find some masterpieces of graffiti, street art and other paintings.


Mitte and Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg are the parts of the town that set an example, when it comes to street art. There you can find old street art and new modern and progressive culture that is rising from Berlin’s streets.

6. Los Angeles – The Spectacular Cosmopolite

The street art community in L.A. is really different from the other places around the world. The Hollywood influence is all over the walls and the streets of this cosmopolite.

Places like East L.A., Hollywood, La Brea and Silver Lake are eminent for being the world hub of the street art culture. Statues, paintings and spectacular art- this is just one part of Los Angeles street art.

5. Brooklyn – The Quest For Identity

New York’s Brooklyn is one of those places that feature a deep social question in the street culture and art. The question in Brooklyn’s street art is a question for identity.

The area is filled with symbolic pieces of art and inspires the world culture with its social and impressive street art.

4. Cape Town – The Spirit Of The Tradition

In Cape Town the street art differs with its traditional items – animals, symbols, local and native paintings. The places, where you can find really fascinating street art are the suburbs. Check the suburbs of Oranjezicht and Gardens, for they are great example of the local culture.

3. London – The Traditional Chic

Just as the other European cities, London’s street art is stylish and perhaps a little bit commercial. Despite this, you can really see a perfect example of an urban culture that is changing with the fashion tendencies, but yet stays traditional.

Nearby the museums and the biggest quarters in the city are the places with perhaps the most original pieces of art you have ever seen in Europe.

2. Melbourne – The City Jungle

In Melbourne you will surely be surprised. This is one of the towns with the most impressive examples, when it comes to mix of posters, paste-ups, stencils and stickers. The places, where you should see those creative examples are Hosier Lane and city center.

1. Sao Paolo

Sao Paolo is surely the town that possesses the most magnificent street culture in the world. Here are mixed all kinds of styles and traditions, as well as large wall pieces by already famous urban creators such as Nunca, Vlok, Nina, and Os Gêmeos.

The suburbs and the center of Sao Paolo are the perfect places to see the latest trends in the street paintings and art.


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