Do you remember the stunning movie The Beach, based on the book of Alex Garland? Perhaps you do, because this is one of those movies, which can make you travel all around the world seeking the beauty of the nature, which Leo DiCaprio experienced in the famous movie.

thailandWhen this movie was released, Thailand turned to destination number one and yet this remains the same. The place of the movie-set was exactly on the beaches of Thailand and the story pretty much exposed how people are ruining the great beauty of the nature.

Yet, even years after this movie, who inspired us to seek the virgin beauty of the white sand beaches and untouchable nature, some of the islands of Thailand still got it.

In case that you are planning to explore those  parts of Thailand islands, which still remains out of sight for the crowds there, just visit the areas north on the way to Burma.

thailand islandsThere you can find amazing spots for diving and breath taking reefs. Don’t miss out to see Phang Nha bay and its white dream beaches. If you really want to feel like hero from the movie The Beach, then you may want to travel to the distant islands near Cambodia.

There you can still have the feeling that you are in paradise.


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