There are some landmarks that are so distinctive in appearance that they have become iconic like the Eiffel Tower, Mount Rushmore, Kilimanjaro, The Statue of Liberty, and Uluru. Wait—Uluru?

Though you may not know Uluru by name, you would easily recognize this Australian monolith formerly called Ayers Rock. Uluru is the name given to the rock by the native peoples of the Anangu, while the first European to visit and climb the rock, William Gosse, named the rock after Sir Henry Ayers, then chief secretary of South Australia.

Uluru is the largest single piece of stone on our planet, and rises in stark contrast from the desert that surrounds it. Like an iceberg, there is more to Uluru that meets the eye, with much of the mass of the sandstone hidden underground.

Uluru soars to a height of 348 meters above ground, with a circumference of almost 9 and half kilometers. It is located very near to the geographic center of the Australian continent.

Although Uluru is a crowded destination, it is the one worth the trip, especially if you can arrange to be there at sunset. Sunset is when Uluru really shines, as it appears to change color entirely.


Eiffel Tower


Mount Rushmore


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