If you are planning to travel when you are pregnant, whether it is for pleasure or necessity, make sure you are well prepared for the travel. While travelling during pregnancy, you must take a few necessary steps to see to it that you are not in trouble in the journey.

Travel essentials during Pregnancy

Here is a checklist of things you need to keep in mind while travelling in pregnancy:

  • If you are travelling after 27 weeks of pregnancy, then carry a note from your doctor that states your expected due date and that it is safe for you to travel.
  • Carry a copy of your medical history, your ultrasound test details and reports and names and references of doctors in your destination who could be contacted in case of sudden emergency.
  • Before starting on your travel discuss with your doctor what medications you may take for common problems like gastric, flatulence, nausea etc. Make a kit of the medicines you might require on your travel. Do not depend on purchases to be made at the place you are travelling. You might not get the drugs or maybe some over the counter medicines in your place of residence might be prescription drugs at your destination.
  • Carry some food items like a granola bar, nuts or chocolate to munch on in between. You may also carry some fruits like apples to keep yourself satisfied when hunger pangs strikes in between the journey,
  • Always carry a water bottle. If you are travelling by air, you will need to buy the water bottle after going for the security check. Keep drinking water to keep yourself hydrated.
  • Travelling for long hours during pregnancy can cause blood circulation to be impaired. Carry with you a maternity panty hose to help your blood circulation. During the journey, remember to stretch yourself at regular intervals and wriggle your foot and hands to aid circulation,
  • Take a good sunscreen with SPF 25 or above to protect yourself from the harmful rays of the sun. During pregnancy your skin is at its most delicate. So see to it that you use the sunscreen liberally. You may consider carrying a small umbrella in your bag for added protection from the sun and also to be used in the event of sudden showers.
  • Carry a light shawl or stole if you are travelling to a place that could have sudden winds and chilly weather. The shawl will keep you warm ad can be also used as extra blanket or cushion or a head rest if needed.

Photo Credit By: dalix.com


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