jet lagIf you are traveling overseas you will be facing problems like, overcrowded planes, endless security lines etc.

The other terrifying problem for people who are traveling overseas is the jet lag. Jet lag is very agonizing when the overseas trip is a short trip.

Jet lag is very much painful for people who need to travel overseas frequently and cannot be able to get along the circumstances.

People who travel overseas frequently and who have to start their work as soon as they arrive are the nastiest victims of jet lag.

Jet lag causes headaches, irregular sleeping patterns, insomnia, fatigue, disorientation, nausea, loss of appetite, dehydration, irritability and confusion.

What exactly is jet lag?

Every country has its own respective time zone and the people living there are accustomed to their country timing zone. Jet lag is seen in travelers who are traveling overseas and have crossed time zones.

When you are traveling overseas, you shift from one time zone to another time zone and therefore have abrupt changes in the time zones. This will disturb the internal clock of the body and causes jet lag.

The body internal clock has its own circadian rhythm. The very first thing that is affected is the sleeping schedule and when this schedule changes, your body feels tired and groggy.

Some routine travelers who have faced jet lag previously can get along with the jet lag easily. But, people who are traveling for the very first time will face awkward jet lag. The jet lag differs from person to person and the direction you are staying. If you are traveling from west to east then you will be losing time and if you are traveling east to west then you will be gaining time.

Many assume that if traveling from east to west, one day is required to recover from jet lag and if traveling from west to east, one night is required to accustom to the jet lag. But all this is false assumption.

If you are traveling from east to west and crossed 6 time zones, you need 6 days to recover from jet lag. If you are traveling west to east and crossed 6 time zones, then it would only take 4 days to recover from the jet lag [Jet lag remedies].

Reducing the jet lag:

  • Drink plenty of water
  • Avoid alcohol
  • Avoid intake of tea and coffee in the plane as caffeine is dangerous and increases the effects of jet lag
  • Do not stick to your seat in the plane. Perform different stretching exercises to avoid unnecessary blood clotting. Walking is also a very good form of exercise [Exercises to reduce jet lag].
  • Adjust your watch according to your destination timings. This will improve a psychological effect towards the destination and the mind gets prepared accordingly.
  • If the time you arrive to your destination is daytime, then try to sleep in the plane with all necessary arrangements. Use eye masks, cover yourself with bed sheet and make yourself comfortable to sleep. Sleeping in off-time is very hard while the normal schedule for you is to stay awake. But, try to sleep and make sure you will succeed in this.
  • In the same case, if it is your sleeping time and if you reach your destination in the night, try not to sleep in the plane. Add lighting to your seat and start reading a book which is very interesting, watch movies and take all necessary steps to stay awake.
  • Try to adjust to the new environment and make sure that you do not avoid the night and day timings. Expose yourself to the new time zone and try to follow the new time zone and start adjusting your regular activities accordingly.
  • Hypnosis yourself to get along the jet lag. Try to make up your mind according to the time zone differences.


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