Preparing for a road trip is a daunting task as road trips can be a real nightmare if not properly planned. A good road trip is all about preparation. It is actually a good idea to plan at least an alternate route, in case you run into road closures or major construction However, with just a little preparation, you can make your road trip truly enjoyable. Here are a few tips you can follow to ensure your road trip is smooth, and you avoid any potential potholes.

planning for road trip

Book Early

Popular areas fill up months in advance, so as soon as you firm up your plans, make those hotel reservations. With so many travel sites online, you can shop around and find the best deal.

Map it out

Once you have fixed your destination in mind, do your research. Map out each day’s drive to see how far you’ll get and where you want to stop along the way. There are likely many points of interest on your route and you can find attractions and sights by plugging your starting and ending points and other detailed informations.

Choose your friends wisely

Choose your road trip companion with whom you are comfortable with. Remember you must get along and divide that by the distance you have to drive. Be prepared that the whole equation must work out.

What to Eat

Road trips are a great chance to try new foods as well as to try some new recipes. You can also pack some delicious sandwiches, or pull off the road and grill your dinner at a scenic rest area. Keep extra water and snacks in the trunk in case you get stranded.

Car maintenance

Before hitting the road, not only you need a full tank, but also need to ensure that your car is in good working order. A few basic maintenance items will give you peace of mind for the drive. Check and change the oil and other fluids, inflate the tires and replace windshield wipers, as needed. One good thing about travelling by car is that you don’t have luggage restrictions.

Although you don’t need to literally bring the kitchen sink, it is a good idea to be prepared for unforeseen weather, emergencies or a change in plans. Even if you’re expecting sunshine the whole trip, pack a jacket and a poncho. A first aid kit is a must.

Road Trip Games and Songs

Road trip games are always a great idea, and the longer your trip is, the more you’ll enjoy them. Bring plenty of music and creating your own soundtrack is another key to a fun filled road trip.

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