Bhutan isone of the most beautiful and scenic countries in Asia. This nation does not promote a lot of tourism because it wishes to maintain its natural beauty and magnificence. Infact, the country does not have enough infrastructure to accommodate a lot of travelers as well.

But even inspite of that, it is becoming a highly popular travel destination for those who wish to spend a few days of relaxation and peace. Bhutan tries hard to keep the traditions and culture intact and to understand the culture and history better; it is advisable to hire a guide and a driver on your trip to Bhutan.

tips to plan for a vacation to Bhutan

If you are planning to go to Bhutan for a vacation, there are certain things that need to be kept in mind:


The currency of Bhutan is ngultrum which is at par with rupee. There are banks in Bhutan which can even exchange U.S.  Dollars and it is always better to carry bigger denominations than smaller ones since you will get a better exchange rate of the bigger denominations.  Do remember that there are no ATMs in Bhutan and very few shops would accept credit cards and few would accept travelers check. Also when a shop would accept credit card it levies a 7% surcharge on the items bought and thus it is advisable to carry cash when travelling to Bhutan.


Generally the food in Bhutan is very basic comprising of fresh vegetables, Bhutanese rice or white rice and meat. Cheese and chilly is the national dish of Bhutan.  It is advisable to try out as many local dishes as possible to truly enjoy the place.


There are basic hotels available in Bhutan but you can expect to avail Wi-Fi at a few of them. They have western style toilets and many may also provide with facilities of cable TV and phones. The rooms are either electrically heated up or done by burning wood.


Bhutan, being a hilly destination remains cold almost all through the year. It is advisable to carry warm clothes and atleast one jacket even during the summer months between May-August as nights can be chilly.


The handicrafts like carvings, paintings and weavings are produced in Bhutan itself but most of the other stuff available is imported from Nepal or India. This is the reason why most of the things that are imported they are relatively expensive. Most of the local shops do not accept credit cards. These can be brought only on cash payments.


Tap water is not recommended for drinking in Bhutan and it is advisable to buy bottled water. It is easily available everywhere.

Cell Phones

There are few cell phone towers in this country. You can easily message but calling can get a bit tough here. The range is very low in certain parts and so it is better to buy a local sim card and use it whenever required.


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