Goa is one of the most popular beach destinations in the world and attracts thousands of tourists every month. It is small seaside city located in Maharashtra, India which offers a diverse palette of entertainment and fun to the visitors.

From beautiful beaches to lovely clubs and from a breathtaking landscape to the warm residents, Goa is a truly magical place. But like any other destination in the world, there are things that you must definitely do when visiting it and certain things that you must refrain from doing. The following is a list of the various dos and don’ts to follow in Goa.

dos and don’ts to follow in goa

Dos in Goa

Do Hire a Scooter or Bike and Drive Around

The best way to see goa is not through a bus or a car but through a scooter or a bike. It is very easy to rent two wheelers in this city and that too at very reasonable prices.  You can even place the request of rental at your hotel reception. Explore the sleepy lanes and the lovely Best beaches on a scooter and your trip will definitely be worthwhile.

Do Try Different Cuisines and Foods

When in goa, do not forget to try out as many different cuisines and foods as possible. This city offers a beautiful mix of foods which ranges from local recipes to international ones.  From awesome seafood to brilliant salads, you will find everything here.

Do Indulge in Some Water Sports

Make it a point to try out as many water sports in Goa as possible. They may not be as advanced as those found on other foreign locations but are definitely worth your time.

Don’ts in Goa

Do not Let Strangers Mix your Drinks

While it is good to mingle with people and make friends, do not allow strangers to mix your drinks or offer you anything which you don’t trust.

Do not Just Stay in your Room

No matter how lavish a Goa resort you are staying in and irrespective of the amount you may be paying for it, Goa isn’t about staying in your room. Goa is about outdoors, beaches, churches, casino and food. So got out and explore the place.

Do not Drive without a License

While it can be a lot of fun to drive or ride a bike or scooter in Goa, you must only do so if you have a proper license with you. Driving or riding without one can land you in trouble and you may have to pay a heavy fine.

Do not Leave your Passport in the Hotel

Remember to carry your passport and other valuables with you when heading out of the hotel. Do not leave your passport in your room as it will be safer with you than in the locker or room.

Do not Hang Out on Deserted Beaches

Never hang out on beaches that are deserted and avoid staying at beaches after midnight as they may not be very safe late at night.


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