Organizing and managing a group trip can be quite a daunting and tough task, even if the number of members in the group isn’t large.  But a group travel is surely much more fun than solo or couple trips and can prove to be much less expensive as well.

Group Travel

There are several little and major things that one might need to keep in mind before organizing a group tour or travel venture. The following is a well detailed step by step guide to organize one such trip:

Step 1:

  • The first step involves identifying how many people would be part of the group tour. It is advisable to limit the number of persons in the group and consider the ages of people who are to be part of the group.
  • You must also have a rough idea about the dates of travelling and destination of travel. This can be taken through consensus method or by identifying the top choices and then deciding on one common place of interest.
  • It is also very important to have an idea about the estimate of the budget per person. This can be adjusted by adjusting the accommodation category or class.
  • It is important to know about the kind of tour the group members are interested in. For example, you must know if the trip needs to be adventure based, relaxation based, exploration based or spirituality based. This can be decided by conducting a poll.

Step 2:

  • After having identified the number of people, destination, dates and budget, the next step is to get a rough quotation made from either a travel and Tours Company or a travel agent.  The quote must contain the flight itinerary, price per group, price per person, accommodation details, deposit date and other important tour specifications.
  • After having received a quotation, you must make necessary changes, adjustments and enquiries, if required.

Step 3:

  • After deciding the destination, budget and flight details etc., it is time to shortlist the group activities which are to be conducted during the tour or trip. For this, you can take help from local guidebooks as well as the internet to shortlist the places of interest, based on the choices of group members. Include one place of cultural destination, one fun destination for the children, one adventure activity and one relaxation based activity in the list of activities.
  • You must make it a point to not add more than 1 or 2 activities per day as planning each moment of the trip is not a feasible thing to do in group tours.

Step 4:

  • Once you itinerary is finalized, make sure you pay for the reservations beforehand and purchase important tickets like train tickets, museum tickets, adventure park tickets and others so as to save costs and also make maximum preparations in advance.
  • You are now ready to make a social networking page or platform to share the itinerary and take ideas to make the trip better. This is also a good way to interact with group members and establish a bond with them prior to the trip.

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