Beijing is the capital of a very powerful nation, China, and so you can expect a great many things from it. Blessed with a rich history, many socio-cultural developments, and modern-day implements, the city is among the most visited cities in the world. Here you can quite conveniently experience an intriguing blend between historical and contemporaneous developments.

Now that the mood is set, you must be wondering which places are best to visit. While there are many tourist attractions in this incredible city, we recommend you not skip those which are everyone’s favorites.

8 Must see Places in Beijing

In this article, we have shortlisted 8 tourist attractions in Beijing you must certainly visit.

1. Forbidden City

Of course, Forbidden City must take the number one spot because it is symbolic of China’s glory and pride.

This great place comprises 9,000 rooms and is spread over 250 acres; it was built during the 15th century and still stands as beautifully as ever. If you are a history geek, you should know that the Imperial Palace was once set ablaze and later reconstructed. The Palace has been refurbished so many times that the present architecture majorly dates back to the time of the Qing dynasty.

While visiting the Imperial Palace, make sure you have comfortable shoes on since you will need to walk a lot. There are, however, places where you can seek respite such as Starbucks.

It is strongly recommended that you hire a guide to properly appreciate the rich history of this incredible monument. In case you do not know the local language, then we suggest you get a multilingual guide recorder for your own convenience.

The Forbidden City is a breath-taking experience, where architectural creations and historical accounts will leave you spellbound. So, do not miss out on the Imperial Palace!

2. The Great Wall of China

Everyone knows China for its indomitable Great Wall. If you are here in Beijing, it is blasphemous to skip climbing up the Great Wall. In the city, there are 8 sections of the Wall which cross its northern region for over 600 km. These sections cover Huanghuacheng, Juyongguan, Badaling, Simatai, Jinshanling, Jiankou, Gubeikou, and Mutianyu.

Before treading the Great Wall, make sure you have strong and comfortable shoes. Moreover, get along sunglasses, water, and sunblock for your own good. In case you are visiting during winter, get a heavy coat and hat.

3. Tiananmen Square

Tiananmen Square has huge political relevance in China. It lies at the center of the city and features aesthetically arresting parades and vibrant crowds.

The square holds a historic place since in the year 1949 the establishment of the People’s Republic of China was announced by Chairman Mao from here. It is surrounded by Tiananmen, Gate of Heaven palace; the National Museum of China; and the Great Hall of the People. Also, you will come across the Mausoleum of Chairman Mao in the south.

The best times to visit the place are sunrise and sunset when the Chinese National Flag is raised and lowered respectively. It is advised that you reach the spot 30 minutes prior.

4. Tiantan, the temple of Heaven

Tiantan, also known as Temple of Heaven, is a major sightseeing place in Beijing. Located in the southern part of the city, it is a sacred site in the whole country. It served as a sacrificial ground for both the Ming and Qing emperors.

One of the most interesting features of this place is that when you make an entrance inside the temple early in the morning, you can come across people doing all kinds of taiji and kung fu exercises.

Another great thing about the temple is a long stretch of century-old trees comprising Chinese juniper, scholar trees and Chinese cypress among many others. These trees will bewitch the onlooker instantly and make him want to come back as many times as he can.

5. Lama Temple

Lama Temple is among the most frequented religious sites in Beijing. It comprises 5 main halls and a number of galleries. A story is associated with the temple wherein the temple was first given as an offering to a prince, who upon ascending the throne offered the same to the Tibetan Buddhists. The temple is symbolic of the Yellow Sect of Buddhism.

The lama temple houses a really precious relic—the biggest Buddha statue to have been carved out of a single tree. It is a pretty big statute made up of three stories and makes your jaw drop.

6. Beijing Capital Museum

One cannot summarise a Beijing trip without going to the Capital Museum. While their many museums in the city, the Beijing Capital Museum is the best in the league. It is a newly constructed and well-maintained museum that is situated in FuxingmenwaiDajje, which lies in the western region of Chang’enJie.

The museum stands as a five-story building which caters to 13 concurrent exhibitions and can be accessed at a reasonable ticket fare. Here you will get a rollercoaster ride of Chinese rich history in the most sophisticated manner.

7. Beihai Park

Known as the Winter Palace, Beihai Park is situated close to the Forbidden City. There is a myriad of things to see here, but two most important things here are the park of course and the round city.

The Round City houses a jar, which is said to be an only remaining artifact from the Great Khan reign during the Yuan Dynasty.

Other places to visit in the Beihai park are the Jade Flower Island, Wanfo Lou Tower, White Pagoda, Nine-Dragon Wall and Iron Screen. The park is home to the biggest public lake in the country.

8. Ming Tombs

In downtown Beijing, there are Ming Tombs. The place is the burial site of 13 of the 17 Ming emperors. For history geeks, the Ming dynasty was the last dynasty in the country which was under the administration of ethnic Hans. Presently, there are only tombs which have been excavated and put on public display: Changling Tomb and Dingling Tomb.


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