There’s a jewel of an island that lies just to the east of Madagascar known as Reunion. There are about a million residents who call it home with close to 200,000 of them living in Saint-Denis, the island’s exciting capital city.

Reunion is a French Republic with French being the official language. However, you’ll also hear some local Creole being spoken.

Reunion is often referred to as a tropical paradise because of its wonderful warm climate and spectacular beauty.

Along with Saint Denis, you’ll also find some other interesting towns to visit such as Saint-Gilles-les-Bains, Saint-Louis, Saint-Pierre, Entre-Deux, Tampon, Etang-Salé, Saint-Leu, Avirans, Petite Ile, Cilaos, Saint-Joseph, and Saint-Philippe.

The breathtaking scenery is made up by volcanoes, lush forests, mountains, small villages, rushing waterfalls, forest-covered peaks and sandy beaches. It’s a fantastic spot for mountain climbing, water sports and hiking.

Saint-Denis is very picturesque and charming as it lies at the Saint-Denis River’s mouth and is surrounded by several majestic mountains. It offers a selection of nightclubs, restaurants, bars, mosques, temples, museums and a cathedral.

You’ll find the island’s volcanoes have formed three natural amphitheatres. These are Salazie, Cilaos, and Mafate. They’re all wonderful sites, with Salazie being especially interesting as it is home to close to 100 waterfalls.

In Cilaos, there’s a spa resort, while Mafate features a small hamlet that you can explore by foot.

Over in Saint-Gilles-les-Bains there are some excellent beaches along a 12-mile lagoon. This former fishing village is considered to be Reunion’s most popular resort. There’s a colourful botanical gardenthere and you can enjoy a host of water activities at the beaches.

The local restaurants serve some fine French dishes as well as mouth-watering Creole specialties. Some local dishes combine African, Chinese and Indian cooking styles.

Reunion is one of the world’s best ocean paradises as it offers plenty to do and see for travelers of all ages and interests. The food, beaches, activities and scenery are definitely world-class, making it a superb island to explore at all times of the year.


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