mountain adventureA trip to the mountains can be an exciting adventure. Going to the mountains on vacation will take you into a whole new world.

There are so many activities you can do during your vacation. Skiing, hiking, whitewater rafting, fishing, and horseback riding are only a few things that you can do on your mountain trip.

Your mountain adventure needs to be planned so that things will go smoothly when you get there. It is a good idea to make a list of things you need to take on your journey.

Another list should be made that entails your itinerary, where you will stay, and what you will do when you arrive. Good planning can make or break your trip.


Any major airlines can carry you to your destination. You will need to check on flights and their prices and dates and times that you can fly. If your schedule is flexible then you will be able to get a better price on your plane ticket. Try going online for a better deal.

There are several sites that offer discounted flights if you book in advance.  Once you get to your destination you may want to charter a plane depending how far into the mountains you want to go.

Trains are also another option in some mountain areas. Just imagine what fun it would be to take a train ride through the mountains!


While in the mountains you will be able to stay at wonderful accommodations. You will have several choices to choose from. Why not stay at a rustic mountain lodge? If a mountain bed and breakfast is more your styles then you are in luck.

You will find several bed and breakfasts for your lodging needs. Of course wonderful hotels are plentiful.

You may be able to get a mountain adventure package for your accommodations that will save you money. Roughing it is another option when going to the mountains. [Adventure Vacations]

Don’t forget that you will need to pick up supplies if this is your choice. Pitching a tent or taking your RV will be easy for you to do with the many camping spots and RV parks that are available there.

Themed Vacation

A themed mountain vacation is always fun. Why not go on a gold rush adventure for the time of your life? You can pretend that you are living back in the “gold rush” days. You will be able to stay in a rustic cabin by the water where you will be panning for gold.

Watch out through because the “gold fever” may get you too! You can go fishing in a cold mountain stream and cook your fish over an open fire. Hiking the trails and looking at the freedom of the wild life living amongst the beautiful flowers and greenery will relax and rejuvenate you.

Mountain adventures can take the stress away and as long as you are your own prepared travel guide your trip will be a success.


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