Traveling on a budget is never ideal. Yes, you save money, and are able to go away more often. But you end up staying in a cramped hotel, uncomfortable from the old beds and constantly uneasy about every cent you use. When you were much younger, this was part of the charm – running out of money could be an adventure. Now you work too hard, and you need your vacation time you to relax.

Fortunately, that no longer has to be the case. We’ve found a way for you to relax in a luxury hotel, without having to break the bank.

you can finally travel on a budget

The Millions of Cancelled Hotel Rooms

You are probably not aware of the hotel cancellations enormous scale. Every day in the U.S. alone, 220,000 hotel reservations are being cancelled! That’s over 1 million hotel rooms left empty in the space of just one work week.

Most hotel rooms are non-refundable. Which means that travelers are not just frustrated, they are out of pocket as well.

The exciting news is, you can take advantage of their monetary woes.

Buy their Hotel Rooms at Discount Prices

Since these would-be travelers are not getting their money back from the hotel, they’re willing to settle for less. They just need to find someone who is looking for discounts in their hotel’s location. And within their booking’s dates. And who’s willing to trust them.

If you think that sounds unlikely, it’s because it is. But Roomer, a unique travel marketplace company, has made it not only possible, but easy.

The Travel-Marketplace for Hotel Rooms

Roomer came up with the concept of the travel-marketplace, where sellers can list their vacant hotel rooms at discount rates. Buyers looking for a good deal can browse through high-quality hotel rooms, finding luxury accommodation in ideal locations.

budget travel

At the time of writing, there is a 4-star hotel available at a discount of 85%!  That’s not the only amazing deal up there. In addition to their travel-marketplace listings, they feature a last minute deals page, where you can find huge discounts from people desperate to sell.

The Hotels Play a Part

Hotels actually lose revenue when rooms are cancelled, even though they don’t have to provide a refund. In-house purchases are an important factor in a hotel’s income, and so they benefit from having their rooms full.

Roomer partners with hotels and travel agencies, who are more than willing to make the service easier and provide deals specifically through Roomer.

Due to this, Roomer has some great deals even on hotel rooms that have not been “recycled”. Search any location and you’re likely to find the room you want at an excellent price.

The Logistics

For the buyer, there is no logistics. A particularly gratifying aspect of Roomer’s service is that they take care of all of the details. They authenticate the legitimacy of the booking with the hotel, which ensures that you won’t be misled.

They also make sure the name on the booking is changed and that you’ll be given instant access to your room, without any confusion.

Payments are also done through Roomer. You don’t have to give credit card details to strangers or put money into dodgy accounts. You pay Roomer, who keep the money to give to the seller only once you’ve checked out.

Great Way to Travel

It’s really refreshing to find cheap deals at hotels of such high quality. The price does not in anyway impact on your comfort, completely changing the meaning of “budget traveling”.

Roomer certainly provides an innovative service, that will improve every aspect of your booking process – from the effect on your pocket, to the easy verification.

Give it a try. You may find yourself traveling a lot more often.


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