For most of us, a cruise can be an ideal way to relax and have a lovely vacation. You are surrounded by the ecstatic blue of the ocean and have seemingly limitless activities and fair supply of food and drinks. All these you get to have along with a visit to multiple nations and destinations. Although cruising has many pleasures, yet the risk of potential health hazards are inevitable. Staying informed along with coping with these can help you stay healthy while cruising. Here are few tips:

Staying healthy on a cruise


 Drink Plenty of Water

While travelling a ship, it is very important to stay hydrated as that is a big step to stay healthy. No matter whether it is during a hot day in summers at the beach or in the stale air of an airplane you must carry reusable water bottle, and fill it up in the ship’s buffet restaurant, or buy beverages ashore. Especially if you are prone to dehydration in hot weather, try a sports drink that contains electrolytes. Alcohol can also dehydrate you, so if you plan to spend plenty of time in the onboard bars, make sure you swap your beer or cocktail for a glass of water every so often.

Take the Stairs

Well it is not a bad idea to slot a little bit of movement into your lazy, crazy days of cruising as that will keep you fit and healthy.  One of the very easy ways to do such is to take the stairs. Not only your muscles will be used a bit every day, but you won’t have to stand around waiting for an elevator too. Taking a brisk walk through the deck is also not a bad idea.

Nausea, Vomiting and Diarrhoea

Cruise outbreaks nausea, vomiting, and diarrhoea for many. The best way here to prevent such illness is frequent hand washing with soap and water. Wash off your hands before and after eating. If soap is unavailable, alcohol based hand sanitizer can be good second choice. You get hand sanitizer dispensers throughout the cruise ship. Do use them. If you feel sick before your voyage, you can ask for alternative cruising options. Consult your doctor before sailing. If you feel sick during the voyage, report it to the ship’s medical department. Eat only cooked food and drink from sealed containers.

Go Easy on the Alcohol

If you are looking forward to stay healthy onboard, excessive drinking is not the way to do it. Try to avoid high consumption of booze. Excessive drinking can put you at risk of getting into a fight, becoming sexually compromised or even falling overboard

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