Who ever read as a child Jules Verne’s “20,000 leagues under the sea” has been dreaming with open eyes at the underwater wonders described by the author. It seems that the dream is about to come true through several hotel projects built underwater.

A day on a beach, visiting Paris, London and Rome, skiing in Alps or a vacation spent in an ice hotel have become something very common for the travelers of the world.

(Image via flickr)

The adventure trips on the Amazon, North Pole or in remote areas for daring tourists like Tibet or North Korea are quite an adventure but how about an entire vacation spent underwater?

For a very well delimited category of exclusivist tourists this will be possible very soon. In the early 2010, the first underwater resort will be launched under the name of Poseidon Undersea Resorts.

The rooms are already reserved for several months after the inauguration and the experience promises to be worth it. Placed very close to the Fiji Archipelago, Poseidon is announced to be the tourist attraction of this decade.

The guests are welcomed in 24 apartments situated at 15 meters under the water and the access is ensured by a special elevator system. According to the project developers an adaptation stage will not be necessary considering that there is no pressure differences reported to the land line.

The interior of the apartments will be decorated following the most exclusivist taste, the hotel rising at the standard of a 5 stars hotel. The most important feature of the hotel will be the apartments walls are 70% made of glass.

The tourists will be able to observe the ocean life and fauna while resting on the bed, which will be attracted with special lights. As privacy is concerned, it will not be an issue considering that the walls will be made out of a special glass which will prevent anybody looking from the outside of the hotel and even during nighttime the guest activities will be concealed.

If the marine world does not attract you very much the owners have prepared a large variety of entertainment for the spare time. Diving, exploring the deep waters with the hotel’s submarines or reading a book in the underwater library are only a few of the recreation possibilities offered by the Poseidon Undersea Resort.

The Poseidon resort will be equipped with a conference hall so even those who would like to do business while on vacation will have at hand the means to organize an unforgettable meeting.


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