passport1. Before you travel to Europe make sure you put together a checklist of all the things you need to pack.

Put together a check list of all the things you need to pack including important documents as well as clothing and other personal items.

2. Make sure you have an understanding of the styles of communication where you are traveling.

Make sure you have a cell phone that makes international calls or make sure loved ones back home have a way to get a hold of you in the case of an emergency.

3. Know what the currency is in the country you are going to. Make sure you know the currency and understand the way it works in Europe. Know and understand the bartering system as well if there even is one.

4. Have an emergency contact both in Europe such as the embassy as well as back home. Set up a time with someone back home that you are to call them. If you don’t call them they will assume something is wrong. This is for safety’s sake.

5. Make sure you have your passport with you at all times. Check and double check that you always have your passport with you.


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